
Template package is sorted in their respective folders so installation is very straightforward. Copy the content of template into the web root folder. That’s it.

Customize template via LESS settings

Template comes with several predefined colors, just pick your favorite color CSS file. Don’t like it? You can easily change color with LESS.

LESS makes coding CSS much faster and more efficient. Variables, mixins, operations, and nesting allow us to make template customization as easy as possible. Each template comes with separate config file giving you control to easily midify size, fonts, images and mainly colors to suit your needs. You really should take a look at LESS, if you did not yet.

Further informations and documentation can be found on the official project site.

Best thing about LESS is that it allows you easily and very fast modify template style. See the File structure topic to find out more about where settings and variables are stored. Whole typography is controled with 2 variables. Color customization Template color is controlled with several color variables. Just pick your favourite color or copy and modify it to get a new one. Please note, some colors will need more customization based on their brightness, hue and saturation.